x mudah : from couple jdk kwn
mudah : jatuh cinta.........
x mudah : buang cinta........
mudah kn untk jth cnta...... when we look at some1 then your heart says how beautiful/hensem that person and less than 1 hour u start 2 like them...... they become friend n always meet.....everything is sweet....everything they share 2gether....... happiness, sadness, important moment.....like he/she is a part in ur life.... ur life not complete if he/she not around...... ooooo sooo sweet at that time la...... but when someday when u all start fighting n fighting n fighting the love or the relationship does not as sweet as before....... more pain more sadness than happiness u'll fell..... this time u'll feel it really hard to forget the person u love...... sooo bad...... damn bad......
ade 2 jns capel bile clash:
1st, lps dh clash....u all xkn cntct each other....mule2 mmng suffer gile lah...... but at long term nye benefits u'll forget about him/her....
2nd, lps dh clash n u all decide nk become a friend...... wah blh ke...... mule2 mmng lah blh tp dh lame2 jdk kwn blh ke kite nk ubh perasaan cinta 2 pd kawan...... i dont think it is easy......payah weh.....n if u all decide nk capel blk b'sedia ke u all nk merasa kesakitan yg sama untk kali yg kedua n dgn org yg same plak 2 yg wat korang sakit...... sanggup ke.....???? so think deeply........
mudah : berjanji.......
x mudah : menunaikan janji......
mudah : melukakan hati orang.....
x mudah : menjaga hati orang......
mudah : mencari salah org.....
x mudah : mencari salah sendiri....
itu lah manusia...... x kira lah lelaki atau pn perempuan......
kate perempuan,"lelaki nie x blh dipercayai...... penipu.... awl2 syg bile dh bosan tgl"
kate lelaki," perempuan nie mata duitan..... ade duit nak, xde duit tgl"
so siape yg hrs dipersalah kan.......
lu pk la sendiri........
p/s: sonok jdk bby..... xbnyk yg kne pk..... pk nk susu je...... yg len sume mama n papa yg wat kn n pk kn...... aaaaaaaaaaaaaa nk jdk baby jgk lah.....hehehehehehhe